Apr 9, 2021 | 401k Plans, 403b Plans
SummaryBefore implementing a new retirement plan, nonprofits should work with a retirement plan professional who can help the organization navigate these questions. Doing so will help the nonprofit determine if the 401(k) or 403(b) plan is right for them. The above...
Mar 29, 2015 | 401k Plans, 403b Plans, 457b Plans, automatic enrollment, SARSEP, SIMPLE IRA Plans
Employers and lawmakers have long grappled with how to increase employee participation in company-sponsored retirement plans. While participation has risen in recent years, especially at larger companies that have implemented automatic enrollment, the Department of...
Apr 5, 2013 | 401k Plans, 403b Plans, 457b Plans, automatic enrollment, QDIA (Qualifed Default Investment Alternative)
Automatic enrollment (AE) in company retirement plans can help workers increase their retirement savings, but it presents a challenge: How should the employer invest the dollars of employees who do not affirmatively choose an investment vehicle for their contributions...
Mar 11, 2013 | 401k Plans, 403b Plans, 457b Plans, Roth 401k
As part of the American Taxpayer Relief Act (ATRA) signed by President Obama in early January, all 401k, 403b, and 457b retirement savings plans now have the option to allow participants to convert some or all of their pre-tax contributions (namely, pre-tax 401k...
Aug 17, 2012 | 401k Plans, 403b Plans, QDIA (Qualifed Default Investment Alternative)
As noted in our last blog post, for many years retirement plan sponsors have faced a dilemma: How should they invest contributions from employees who won’t affirmatively choose at least one investment vehicle for their contributions? More to the point: how to do...