Jul 15, 2015 | Cash Balance Plans
Cash Balance plans have become very popular with business owners looking to save on taxes and accumulate more long-term wealth. But how do they work? A Cash Balance pension is a qualified retirement plan under IRS guidelines known as a hybrid defined benefit plan...
Jun 15, 2015 | Cash Balance Plans
Have you heard of Cash Balance retirement plans? You should! Cash Balance plans have become one of the fastest growing retirement plan design options in the last few years and one that investment advisors should add to their portfolio of retirement products. Why are...
Mar 29, 2015 | 401k Plans, 403b Plans, 457b Plans, automatic enrollment, SARSEP, SIMPLE IRA Plans
Employers and lawmakers have long grappled with how to increase employee participation in company-sponsored retirement plans. While participation has risen in recent years, especially at larger companies that have implemented automatic enrollment, the Department of...
Mar 3, 2015 | defined benefit plans, Exclude from Blog Main, Pension Plan Optimization
As an executive with oversight responsibilities for a frozen pension plan you begin to see the light at the end of a long journey – plan termination is near or winding up. You climbed that mountain of pension liability, now fully funded through cash contributions,...
Feb 17, 2015 | defined benefit plans, Pension Plan Optimization
Much has been written in recent years about fee transparency within retirement plans, with the overwhelming majority of the focus centered on defined contribution plans. This is a result of law changes aimed at getting record keepers and investment advisors to more...